Per Jonas Nordell

Professor of Private Law, LL.D.

My research and teaching topics are – except from central commercial law – intellectual property law and unfair competition law. Within intellectual property law my research is broad. However, my research focus has been mainly on copyright and trademark law. My graduate thesis from 1997 was on copyright in visual arts and pictures – Rätten till det visuella, and I have later on focused on i.a. trademark protection in relation to semantics, with the result in a monograph 2024 on the connotation and denotation of trademarks – Varumärkesrättens skyddsobjekt. Om ordkännetecknets mening och referens. During 1998–2017 I was the editor in Chief of the Nordic Intellectual Property Law Review (NIR). I have been Director of the Institute of Intellectual and Market Law (IFIM), and at the present, I am chair of its Board.

Publications in foreign languages

– The 1992 Revision of Copyright Legislation in View of an Agreement on the European Economic Area (Copyright World Issue 30, May 1993 pp. 46–48)

– Swedish Copyright Act (Copyright World Issue Forty, May 1994 pp. 36–39)

– National report on moral rights in Sweden (The moral right of the author. Acts of the ALAI Congress of Antwerp – 19-24 September 1993 pp. 399–407)

– Anmerkung zum Urteil des Obersten Gerichtshofs vom 20. April 1995 (GRUR Int 1996 S. 265–267)

– Information Technology Law Group/Europe, European Computer Law, Sweden 63 p., New York 1996 (ISBN 1-57105-023-X) (together with Raoul Smitt)

– Das Kriterium der Doppelschöpfung im schwedishen Recht – Theorie und Praxis (GRUR Int 1997 S. 110–116)

– The Notion of Originality – Redundant or not? (ALAI 2000. Copyright, Related Rights and Media Convergence in the Digital Context, Nordic Study Days June 18-20, 2000 Stockholm Sweden (pp. 73–86) (ISBN 91-7223-102-5)/NIR 2001 pp. 73–86) (Also in Scanidnavian Studies in Law Vol. 42, Intellectual Property (pp. 97–113) (ISBN 91-85142-56-5)

– The Relationship of Copyright and Trademarks. National Report. Sweden (ALAI 2001 Congress on Adjuncts and Alternatives to Copyright, June 13-16, 2001, at Columbia University, New York City (electronically published on:

– NIR – A Nordic Intellectual Property Law Review (NIR 2002 s. 439–440)

– Law in the service of brands and trademarks. On the content and meaning of trademark legislation and on what can be legally protected (in Holger/Holmberg (ed.), Identity. Trademarks, logotypes and symbols, Nationalmuseum 2002 pp. 93–106 (ISBN 91-7100-659-1).

– Character Merchandising in Europe, Chapter 15, Sweden, pp.305–325, Kluwer Law International, 2003 (ISBN: 90-411-9912-8)

– Chapitre XIV Suéde (Greffe/Greffe, La publicité et la loi. Droit français – Union eropéenne – Suisse, 10 ed. LexisNexis Litec, 2004 pp. 931–955 (ISBN 2-7110-035-9-0)

– Country reports and tables in Walter / v. Lewinski (Eds.), European Copyright Law. A Commentary, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010 (ISBN 978-0-19-922732-7), pp. 237–239, 378–380, 489–490, 667–668, 817–819, 910–912, 1127–1131, 1351–1354, 1447–1449.

– Distinctive Character in Compound Trademarks (Hans Henrik Lidgard (Ed.), Swedish National Developments in the Intersection of IPR and Competition Law From Maglite to Pirate Bay, Studies in European Law no. 3Volume 3, 2008, Hart Publishing, Oxford 2011 (ISBN 978-1-84113-944-9) pp. 83–105

– Copyright Protection through the Repute, Fame, or Goodwill of the Author or his Work (Liber Amicorum Jan Rosén, Visby 2016 (ISBN 978-91-85333-60-0) pp. 553–568)

– Unfair Competition Law: How Can It Work as an Important Complement to Intellectual Property Protection. Are There Missing Links? (Ulf Bernitz and Caroline Heide-Jørgensen (Eds.), Marketing and advertising law in a process of harmonisation, Modern studies in european law, Hart Publishing, 2017 (ISBN 978-1-50990-067-1) pp. 221–232