Interested in research in Intellectual Property Law?

This is why it is a great area of law to do research in and why the Law Faculty of Stockholm University is the place to do it!

Why IP?

Intellectual Property (IP) is an area of law that has a very interesting history and theoretical framework, whilst also presenting every-pressing practical challenges. Its theoretical roots are found in theories of human rights, the work of Locke and Hegel, as well as a long list of modern theorists, such as Nozick, Posner and Landes that follow the evolution of this area of law and try to also revisit its raison d’être.

The early need for international harmonization has also provided IP with a number of international conventions, international organizations, and a detailed EU legal framework. All this brings about interesting perspectives on how to achieve harmonization, if harmonization is really needed and to what degree it is desirable. Due to its international character, IP also offers an interesting legislative background and history, including issues linked to colonialism, race, religion, and gender.

Today, IP covers a broad and divergent category of exclusive rights, encompassing subject-matter that has different characteristics and poses different challenges to the system as a whole. The protection of biotechnological inventions, 3D trade marks, music, industrial designs, computer programmes and AI all fall under the general scope of IP, but is/could be subject to different legislative acts giving thus to different challenges both in theory and practice.

The fact that IP is an area of law that is related to, if not closely intertwined with technology, culture, art and market structures and business models makes it an area of law that is always both relevant and challenging.

Thus, irrespective of whether you are interested in engaging in a theoretical thesis or if you want to work with practical applications of law, IP is the area of law you want to engage with.

Why Stockholm University?

Th Law Faculty of Stockholm University has a longstanding history of research in IP. Among its senior researchers you will find competence in a broad range of research subjects. The IP Law Group at Stockholm University is the organizer of a number of seminars and conferences, and part of the Nordic, European and international networks in IP. In the Faculty you will also find the Institutet för Immaterialrätt och Marknadsrätt / Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM): founded in 1956, IFIM’s core mission is to promote research and education in the fields of intellectual property law and market law. To this end, IFIM undertakes several activities, including organizing events, maintaining and developing a special Library, and promoting knowledge of and research in these fields.

Doctoral studies in the Law Faculty at Stockholm University are funded either by external means or through direct employment at Stockholm University. As a doctoral candidate, you will receive generous funding for research-related activities (e.g., attending conferences) and visits at universities in Sweden and abroad.

The IP Law Group also manages the Stockholm IP Law Review and, as a doctoral candidate, you will be given the possibility to participate in the production of the journal and in the activities organized by it.

Why Stockholm?

One final question that you may ask yourself is why you should be undertaking your doctoral studies in Stockholm. The answer is simple: besides being a beautiful city in a country where the quality of life is one of the highest in the world, Stockholm is also an exciting places for those interested in IP.

Historically, Stockholm has played a major role in the development of IP. For instance, it was the place where both the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property were revised in 1967.

Today, Sweden is the country that is home to several IP-intensive, world-leading industries and companies, ranging from automotive to fashion, from technology to music, and everything in-between. Stockholm is where the headquarters of most of these companies are located. During your doctoral studies, you will thus have the opportunity to liaise directly with these major IP stakeholders.

For further information about Stockholm University and its doctoral programme, contact: (according to the website)

For informal discussions about doctoral research in the IP field, contact: Frantzeska Papadopoulou, Frantzeska.papadopoulou(at)