Eleonora Rosati

An Italian-qualified lawyer (avvocato), I am Professor of Intellectual Property Law, the Director of the Institutet för Immaterialrätt och Marknadsrätt / Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM), and the Co-Director of the LLM in European Intellectual Property Law.


Included in World Intellectual Property Review’s 2020 list of ‘Influential Women in IP’. The list is based on nominations from readers across the globe on who they regard as women in law who play a vital role in advancing the intellectual property industry and challenging the existing status quo.
Included in Managing Intellectual Property’s 2018 list of ‘The 50 Most Influential People in IP’ and considered “an influential voice in the IP industry”. The list recognizes individuals who are shaping intellectual property law, policy and business throughout the world. It has typically included an array of in-house counsel, judges, officials and academics, as well as celebrities who have had a particularly big recent impact on intellectual property.
Academic background

I hold law degrees from the University of Florence, an LLM from the University of Cambridge, and PhD from the European University Institute.

European University Institute: PhD (thesis title: Originality in EU Copyright Law), 2009-2012
University of Cambridge: LLM, 2008-2009
University of Florence: ‘Laurea Specialistica in Giurisprudenza’ Law Degree, 2006-2008
University of Florence: ‘Laurea in Scienze Giuridiche’ Law Degree, 2003-2006
Visiting Scholar

Guest Professor at CEIPI-Université de Strasbourg (since 2019)
Research Associate and Lecturer at EDHEC Business School (since 2014)
Associate of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law at the University of Cambridge (since 2014)
Conferences and Seminars

Please see here for a list of the most recent conferences and seminars I have been a speaker at and here for the events that I have organized or co-organized.


Professional Roles

Of Counsel at Bird & Bird, Milan and London (since 2019)
Co-Founder of Fashion Law London (since 2019)
Editor of the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Oxford University Press (since 2015; previously Deputy Editor, 2013-2015)
‘PermaKat’ (permanent member of the team) at award-winning, specialist blog The IPKat (since 2012)
In the Media

Because of my copyright and IP expertise, I have been often interviewed by leading general interest media publications, including – recently – CNN, The New York Times, The Financial Times, BBC, The Hollywood Reporter, The Guardian.


Co-Director of the LLM in European Intellectual Property Law (60 ECTS)
Director of Copyright and Transborder Litigation (15 ECTS), a specialist module which is part of the LLM in European Intellectual Property Law
Co-Director of Advanced Intellectual Property Law (15 ECTS), a specialist module which is part of the LLM in European Intellectual Property Law
Co-Director of Industrial Property – Patents and Trade Marks (15 ECTS), a specialist module which is part of the LLM in European Intellectual Property Law
Supervisor of Master Thesis in European Intellectual Property Law (30 ECTS), a research-focused module which is part of the LLM in European Intellectual Property Law


My research interests and activities relate to intellectual property law, with a special focus on the EU and national dimensions thereof.

Areas of activity include: the process and result of EU copyright harmonization and the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU); rights enforcement over the internet and the role and liability of online intermediaries; fashion and intellectual property; questions of international jurisdiction and applicable law in online infringement cases; EU trade mark law; overlapping rights; EU copyright reform policy discourse.

I am the author of:

Two research monographs, Originality in EU Copyright (Edward Elgar:2013) and Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union (Oxford University Press:2019); and
An article-by-article commentary to EU Directive 2019/790: Copyright in the Digital Single Market – Article-by-Article Commentary to the Provisions of Directive 2019/790 (Oxford University Press:2021).
I also edited The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law (Routledge:2021).

Finally, I am a long-standing contributor to award-winning IP blog The IPKat, for which I have authored over 1,000 posts over the past several years.

Impact and Dissemination

I have been contributing to several policy debates in my own key areas of expertise as an independent commentator.

Besides being asked – by, inter alia, the European Parliament, the European Intellectual Property Office, and the World Intellectual Property Organization – to produce a number of technical briefings and reports, I have been invited to attend official hearings with EU institutions and agencies (World Intellectual Property Organization, European Parliament, European Commission, European Union Intellectual Property Office, and European Audiovisual Observatory) and governments.

I have presented my research as an invited speaker at several academic institutions and conferences around the world. I have prepared delivered talks at the request of international organizations and EU institutions and agencies, as well as international professional bodies and organizations (including ALAI, INTA, AIPPI, LIDC, and ECTA).

Research Funding

I have secured funding for my research on several occasions. I have received publication prizes from Stiftelsen Juridisk Fakultetslitteratur and grants from both major stakeholders – including the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, Facebook, and Audible Magic – and non-profit organizations and public bodies – including Wikimedia and Società Italiana Autori ed Editori.

PhD Supervision

I welcome PhD proposals in the fields of copyright, trade mark, fashion, and internet laws.